Package com.maxkeppeler.sheets.input.type


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typealias ButtonToggleGroupInputListener = (index: Int) -> Unit

Listener that returns the new index.

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typealias CheckBoxInputListener = (value: Boolean) -> Unit

Listener which returns the new value.

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typealias EditTextInputListener = (value: CharSequence?) -> Unit

Listener that returns the new value.

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typealias EditTextInputValidationListener = (value: CharSequence) -> ValidationResult

Listener that is invoked when the value changes and to which a custom validation logic can be executed.

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abstract class Input(key: String? = null)

The base class of any input. Every input can have a label and a drawable. It can be optional or required.

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class InputButtonToggleGroup(key: String? = null, func: InputButtonToggleGroup.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of the type ButtonToggleGroup.

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class InputCheckBox(key: String? = null, func: InputCheckBox.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of the type Checkbox.

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class InputCustom(key: String? = null, func: InputCustom.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of a unknown type displayed in a custom view.

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typealias InputCustomDataChangeListener = () -> Unit

Listener that is invoked when the data of the input changed.

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typealias InputCustomViewListener = (view: View) -> Unit

Listener that is invoked when the view is ready.

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class InputEditText(key: String? = null, func: InputEditText.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of the type EditText.

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class InputRadioButtons(key: String? = null, func: InputRadioButtons.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of the type RadioButton.

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class InputSeparator(key: String? = null, func: InputSeparator.() -> Unit? = null) : Input

Represents a separator view that can be used to create the visual effect that following inputs belong to a specific section.

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class InputSwitch(key: String? = null, func: InputSwitch.() -> Unit) : Input

Input of the type Switch.

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typealias RadioButtonsInputListener = (index: Int) -> Unit

Listener which returns the new index.

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typealias SwitchInputListener = (value: Boolean) -> Unit

Listener which returns the new value.