class InputEditText(key: String? = null, func: InputEditText.() -> Unit) : Input
Content copied to clipboard
Input of the type EditText.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a listener which returns the new value when it changed.
Link copied to clipboard
Set the default value.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a drawable.
Link copied to clipboard
Activate the end icon.
Link copied to clipboard
Set the end icon mode.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a error drawable.
Link copied to clipboard
Set the InputFilter.
Link copied to clipboard
Invoke the result listener which returns the input value.
Link copied to clipboard
Set the initial visibility of the password. This overrides the transformationMethod for the EditText.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a listener which returns the final value when the user clicks the positive button.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a start drawable.
Link copied to clipboard
Set a listener that is invoked when the value needs to be validated.