
abstract class Input(key: String? = null)

The base class of any input. Every input can have a label and a drawable. It can be optional or required.


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fun Input(key: String? = null)


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fun columns(columns: Int)

Set the amount of columns this input will span.

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fun content(@StringRes contentRes: Int)
fun content(content: String)

Set the content text.

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fun drawable(@DrawableRes drawableRes: Int)

Set a drawable.

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abstract fun invokeResultListener(): Unit?

Invoke the result listener which returns the input value.

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fun label(@StringRes labelRes: Int)
fun label(label: String)

Set the label text.

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abstract fun putValue(bundle: Bundle, index: Int)

Save the input value into the bundle. Takes the index as an key, if there's no unique input key available.

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fun required(required: Boolean = true)

Require a value before the user can click the positive button.

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abstract fun valid(): Boolean

Check if the input value is valid.

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fun visible(visible: Boolean = true)

Set the initial visibility of the input.


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