
class LottieAnimationRequest

Wrapper class of the LottieAnimationView class methods to offer basic functionality.

See also


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object Companion
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annotation class RepeatMode


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fun setAnimation(@RawRes rawRes: Int)

Sets the animation from a file in the raw directory. This will load and deserialize the file asynchronously.

fun setAnimation(assetName: String)

Sets the animation from the name of a file in the raw directory. This will load and deserialize the file asynchronously.

fun setAnimation(stream: InputStream?, cacheKey: String?)

Sets the animation from an arbitrary InputStream. This will load and deserialize the file asynchronously.

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fun setAnimationFromJson(jsonString: String, cacheKey: String?)

Sets the animation from json string. This is the ideal API to use when loading an animation over the network because you can use the raw response body here and a conversion to a JSONObject never has to be done.

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fun setAnimationFromUrl(url: String?)
fun setAnimationFromUrl(url: String?, cacheKey: String?)

Load a lottie animation from a url. The url can be a json file or a zip file. Use a zip file if you have images. Simply zip them together and lottie will unzip and link the images automatically.

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fun setFallbackResource(@DrawableRes fallbackResource: Int)

Set a drawable that will be rendered if the LottieComposition fails to load for any reason. Unless you are using {@link #setAnimationFromUrl(String)}, this is an unexpected error and you should handle it with {@link #setFailureListener(LottieListener)}.

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fun setMaxFrame(endFrame: Int)

Sets the maximum frame that the animation will end at when playing or looping.

fun setMaxFrame(markerName: String?)

Sets the maximum frame to the start time + duration of the specified marker.

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fun setMaxProgress(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) endProgress: Float)

Sets the maximum progress that the animation will end at when playing or looping.

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fun setMinAndMaxFrame(markerName: String?)

Sets the minimum and maximum frame to the start time and start time + duration of the specified marker.

fun setMinAndMaxFrame(minFrame: Int, maxFrame: Int)
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fun setMinFrame(startFrame: Int)

Sets the minimum frame that the animation will start from when playing or looping.

fun setMinFrame(markerName: String?)

Sets the minimum frame to the start time of the specified marker.

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fun setMinProgress(startProgress: Float)

Sets the minimum progress that the animation will start from when playing or looping.

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fun setRepeatCount(count: Int)

Sets how many times the animation should be repeated. If the repeat count is 0, the animation is never repeated. If the repeat count is greater than 0 or INFINITE, the repeat mode will be taken into account. The repeat count is 0 by default.

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fun setRepeatMode(mode: Int)

Defines what this animation should do when it reaches the end. This setting is applied only when the repeat count is either greater than 0 or INFINITE. Defaults to RESTART.

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fun setSpeed(speed: Float)