This class is the base of all types of sheets. You can implement this class in your own and build your own custom sheet with the already existing features which the base class offers.
Set the border stroke color around the sheet. If no color is set, the primary color is used.
Set the border stroke width
Set if sheet is cancelable outside.
Set the Close Button Drawable.
Set the CornerFamily. Overrides the style default.
Set the corner radius in dp. Overrides the style default.
Set the height of the custom sheet layout.
Display the close button left of the title. Overrides the style default.
Display the handle. Overrides the style default.
Display the negative button.
Display the positive button.
Display the toolbar. The toolbar consists of the close icon button, the title, the divider and the optional icon buttons. Overrides the style default.
Set if bottom-sheet is draggable. Only works with SheetStyle.BOTTOM_SHEET.
Set the color of the navigation bar.
Set the color of the navigation bar.
Set the negative button color.
Set the negative button color.
Set the negative button style.
Set a listener that is invoked when the sheet is cancelled.
Set a listener that is invoked when the sheet is closed.
Create custom view to be added to the base sheet.
Create view of base sheet.
Set a listener that is invoked when the sheet is dismissed (after negative or positive button click).
Set a listener.
Set the text of the negative button and optionally a listener.
Set the text and drawable of the negative button and optionally a listener.
Set the peek height.
Set the positive button color.
Set the positive button color.
Set the positive button style.
Setup an image source for the cover view.
Set sheet style.
Set the title color of the sheet.
Set the title color of the sheet.
Set a cover image.
Add an icon button to the sheet toolbar to the right of the title. The icon buttons will be aligned from the right in the order you call this method. You can only add up to 3 icon buttons.