
class ImageRequest

Wrapper class of the ImageRequest class of coil to offer basic functionality to the image loading.


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fun bitmapConfig(config: Bitmap.Config): ImageRequest
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fun crossfade(enable: Boolean): ImageRequest
fun crossfade(durationMillis: Int): ImageRequest
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fun error(drawable: Drawable?): ImageRequest
fun error(@DrawableRes drawableResId: Int): ImageRequest

Set the error drawable to use if the request fails.

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fun fallback(drawable: Drawable?): ImageRequest
fun fallback(@DrawableRes drawableResId: Int): ImageRequest

Set the fallback drawable to use if image is null.

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fun placeholder(drawable: Drawable?): ImageRequest
fun placeholder(@DrawableRes drawableResId: Int): ImageRequest

Set the placeholder drawable to use when the request starts.

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fun size(@Px size: Int)
fun size(@Px width: Int, @Px height: Int)

Set the requested width/height.