
fun Drawable.toBitmap(    @Px width: Int = intrinsicWidth,     @Px height: Int = intrinsicHeight,     config: Bitmap.Config? = null): Bitmap

Taken from android ktx library [|.

Return a Bitmap representation of this Drawable.

If this instance is a BitmapDrawable and the width, height, and config match, the underlying Bitmap instance will be returned directly. If any of those three properties differ then a new Bitmap is created. For all other Drawable types, a new Bitmap is created.



Width of the desired bitmap. Defaults to Drawable.getIntrinsicWidth.


Height of the desired bitmap. Defaults to Drawable.getIntrinsicHeight.


Bitmap config of the desired bitmap. Null attempts to use the native config, if any. Defaults to Config.ARGB_8888 otherwise.