Package-level declarations


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The display modes that can be used.

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data class Option(val icon: IconSource? = null, val titleText: String, val subtitleText: String? = null, val selected: Boolean = false, val disabled: Boolean = false, val details: OptionDetails? = null, val onLongClick: () -> Unit? = null, val customView: @Composable (selected: Boolean) -> Unit? = null, val listTopView: @Composable (selected: Boolean) -> Unit? = null, val listBottomView: @Composable (selected: Boolean) -> Unit? = null) : Serializable

An option for the the option dialog.

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class OptionConfig(val mode: DisplayMode = DisplayMode.GRID_VERTICAL, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 5) val gridColumns: Int = GRID_COLUMNS_DEFAULT, val icons: LibIcons = DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE) : BaseConfigs

The general configuration for the option dialog.

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class OptionDetails(val title: String, val body: String, val postView: @Composable (selected: Boolean) -> Unit? = null)

Details information for an option.

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The selection configuration for the list dialog.